Welcome To The Relax-Canary!

Hello I'm Relax Canary I Can Help With Anything And My Commands Are Active 24/7 Thanks For You!

Invite link: Here

Quick command guide

The Command : prefix > arguments
Arguments Are Divided By Itzzzmalik that means if you want to enter the sentence to command you need to put it in quotes
Example: >help

DailyRun Example

Relax has been officially released on January 2021 and it keeps going to conquer more and more servers every day.
Command Music : >help In List

DailyRun Example

Updates were so numerous, and so are my thousands of hours invested in her development. I have still a lot of projects for Relax, projects that need even more time and support.

>Play: & >p
Plays The Track
Usage: >Play [Title] [link]
>Stop & >Sp
Stop Music
>skip: >s
Skips the track or entered amount of tracks
>clear-queue & >cq
You Member Removed Queue
The Queue Has Just Been Removed
>Pause & >pa
Pauses The Track
>Resumes & >re
Resumes The Track
>Volume & >vo
Change The Volume With Max Of 100
Usage: >Volume [number]
Repeat Mode
Alias: >np
Get Current Track
>filter : >fll
Filter Enabled Or Disabled.
>listfilter : >listfll
List Filters Name.
>w-filters : >wf
List Of All Filters Enabled Or Disabled.
>shuffle : >sh
Queue Shuffled
Show Ping & Ms
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Makeing The Bot
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